During the visit, your physician will give you all the information on the care that will be delivered and its associated risks. After a reflection period, you must provide your free and informed consent in writing for any medical decision. The physician then gives you a copy of the document, stating that you received all the information allowing the physician to respect your will.
In order to save time on admission day, you will have to be pre-admitted either right after your visit with your surgeon or anesthesiologist, or at least 8 days prior to your surgery. Upon admission, patients will be directed straight to the care unit.
Patients can perform the pre-admission at:
Clinique Bizet, Admissions office
21 rue Georges Bizet 75116 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 40 69 35 94
Fax: +33(0)1 47 23 39 61
Monday to Friday 9AM to 6:30PM
Saturday 8AM to 6PM
Sunday 9AM to 6PM
Pre-admission documents may also be mailed to:
Service des Admissions
21 rue Georges Bizet
75116 Paris
Required Documents:
Carte Vitale and its ‘attestation’, or any proof of coverage
Your medical file, provided by your physician
Proof of medical insurance (mutuelle or private insurance)
Patients with no insurance, or undergoing plastic surgery : pre-payment (check or credit card) for the whole amount of the hospital stay (as stated in the quote given by the physician)
War pension recipients: Care card (Carte de soins)
CMU / AME: proof of coverage
EU national: proof of european coverage and E111/E112 file
Work related injury: 3-page form given by the employer
ALD (Affection de Longue Durée) Patients: proof of 100% coverage
You must check-in before 5PM on the day before surgery at the Admissions Office:
21 rue Georges Bizet 75116 Paris
If you cannot make it to your scheduled admission, contact us as soon as possible:
+33(0)1 40 69 36 65
Caution : Minors must be accompanied by both parents or legal guardian. The latter will have to confirm their identity and sign the permission to operate prior to the procedure. Protected adults (tutelage) must be accompanied by their guardian, who will have to produce proof of guardianship.
You must bring results of any recent medical exams prescribed by your physician and anesthesiologist as well as our blood type card.
The date of discharge is set with the physician during the pre-operative visit.
Discharge formalities:
Your discharge will be determined only by the physician in charge of your admission. Patients willing to be discharged against the doctor’s advice will have to sign a form releasing the hospital from liability.
Patients are discharged between 10AM and 12PM
Parents or guardians of minor must be present for the discharge and produce an ID, ‘Livret de Famille’ or a court order.
If your health condition requires care continuity or medical surveillance, your physician or doctor may prescribe an “HAD” (home hospitalization), or a stay at a convalescent home, a specialized care center, a follow-up care center, a rehabilitation center of a long term care center with your consent.
The head nurse can provide information on admissions and stays in different kinds of centers and help you and your family resolve any concerns you may have. Inquire about this as early as possible, long before your discharge.
You need to check out at the front desk and at the Admissions Office. You must:
Obtain administrative documents intended for your employer in order to collect daily benefits (“Bulletin de situation”)
Settle your invoice
Retrieve any possessions and deposits
If your case file is complete, the cost of the stay is billed directly to Social Security and to the your private insurance. Otherwise, you must settle your bill.
Depending on your condition, your physician may prescribe an ambulance, a medical vehicle or a Social Security approved taxi. Certain types of transportation are covered by Social Security.
Care After Your Discharge
If the treatment must be continued, you will be given the relevant prescription. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice regarding your doctor’s recommendations or any dietary rules.
Do not forget to give us your opinion on your stay before leaving. Your opinion is valuable to us as it allows us to improve our service. The nursing staff will give you a survey that you may fill out and return to them or drop off in the Admissions Office mailbox (ground floor).
You may also fill it out online
98% of our patients who responded were satisfied with the care provided.
Select your room
Our rooms are equipped with phones, safes, and televisions with over 30 national and international channels and VOD. Internet access can also be provided on request. You may have a guest over for lunch or dinner and can request an extra bed for friends or family. All additional services (such as private rooms, TV, phones…) will be billed to the patient.
Private rooms
For inpatient care, you may request a single room during the pre-admission process. We try to accommodate such requests as best we can depending on bedroom availability, and cannot guarantee that every request will be met. The extra charge for a single room is billed to you, but you may contact your private insurance about potential coverage.
We suggest that you bring your own clothes (including nighttime attire, slippers…) as well as towels and personal toiletries.
In order to avoid loss of dental and ocular prostheses or hearing aids, you are encouraged to hand them over to the medical taff prior to the surgery.
We request that patients bring no valuables during their stay. You may however deposit objects in the central safe of the admissions office. Any objects left in the bedroom’s safe are under your responsibility.
Support person
During your stay, you may identify someone from your family or friends as a ‘support person’ in order to assist you in receiving the care and making decisions. This person may be present during all medical discussions and help you express your wishes.
If, at some point during hospitalization, your condition prevents you from formulating your opinion or decisions to the medical team, the latter turns to the ‘support person’, who can advise them regarding your wishes.
People with disabilities may access the Clinique Bizet through the gates located at 21 rue de Chaillot.
This step is essential. Its goals are to gather all administrative files, to simplify paperwork procedures, and reduce your waiting time on admission day. The pre-admission must be carried out on the day of your visit with your surgeon, or at the latest, on the day of the anesthetist visit.
Patients can be pre-admitted at :
Clinique Bizet, Outpatient Care (Service Ambulatoire)
21 rue Georges Bizet 75116 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 40 69 36 00
Fax: +33(0)1 47 23 36 06
Monday to Friday 7:30AM to 6:30PM
Clinique Bizet, Centre de consultations pluri-disciplinaires
21 rue Georges Bizet 75116 Paris
Phone: +33(0)1 40 69 35 00
Fax: +33(0)140 69 35 09
Monday to Friday 8:30AM to 7:15PM
Pre-admission documents must be mailed to:
Service des Admissions
21 rue Georges Bizet
75116 Paris
Required Documents:
Carte Vitale and its ‘attestation’, or any proof of coverage
Medical file
Special Cases:
Patients with no insurance, or undergoing plastic surgery : pre-payment (check or credit card) for the whole amount of the hospital stay (as stated in the quote given by the physician)
War pension recipients: Care card (Carte de soins)
CMU / AME: proof of coverage
EU national: proof of coverage and E111 and E112 forms
Work related injury: 3-page form given by the employer
ALD (Affection de Longue Durée) : proof of 100% coverage
You should follow carefully the physician and the anesthetist’s recommendations.
Arrive on an empty stomach (no eating, drinking or smoking - not even candy or gum), in accordance with your doctor’s recommendations
Follow hygiene rules: take two showers, one on the night before, and one on the morning of surgery. Your physician will describe this process.
Wear clean and loose clothing as well as shoes that are easy to put on.
Do not wear any makeup or nail polish. Nails must be short and clean.
Take off all jewelry. Avoid bringing any valuables.
Both parents or legal guardian of minor patients must be present at admission, in order to sign the legal authorization to operate, as well as for the discharge. They will have to show an ID as well as a ‘Livret de Famille’ or a court order.
Protected adult (tutelage) patients must be accompanied by their guardian, who will have to produce proof of guardianship.
You may plan for your trip back home in advance. Patients who underwent anesthesia must follow these guidelines :
No driving for the 24 hours following the procedure
Patients must go straight to their home upon leaving the hospital.
A friend or family member must be present until the day after the procedure
Patients who cannot comply with these guidelines must inform their physician and anesthetist, as this may contraindicate day surgery.
On The Day Of Surgery, Do Not Forget To Bring:
The results of any recent lab or X-ray exams prescribed by the physician and anesthetist, as well as your blood type card.
Your emergency contacts
Check in at the front desk of 25 rue de Chaillot at the time planned with your physician or anesthetist.
If you cannot make it to your scheduled admission, contact us as soon as possible:
+33(0)1 40 69 36 14
After checking-in with the admissions desk, the nurses will show you to your private space in the partitioned room and explain the sequence of events for your care. Patients with glasses or contact lenses will have to remove them. Patient with dental prostheses or hearing aids must notify the medical team. You will then receive a kit with one operating room gown, a pair of shoe covers and a cap.
You will be taken back to the day-surgery unit, where you will be monitored by the nursing staff who will deliver care as needed, until the discharge. You will be given a snack, in accordance with the physician’s recommendations.
Your discharge will be effective after:
Obtaining the physician and the anesthetist's permission. You must imperatively observe a period of rest of a few hours before leaving.
Obtaining all discharge documents (medical instructions, prescriptions, leave of absence)
Recovering full physical and mental capacity. If this is not fulfilled, the medical staff may consider keeping you hospitalized overnight.
Do not leave the hospital alone
Go straight to your home
Do not drive for 24 hours following the procedure
Have someone with you the evening and night following the procedure
If you choose to leave the hospital against your physician's advice, you must sign a form releasing the hospital from liability.
In the event of a problem, you may reach us 24/7:
Monday to Friday, 7:30AM to 7:30PM at +33(0)1 40 69 35 91
Outside of these hours, at +33(0)1 40 69 34 34
People with disabilities may access the Clinique Bizet through the gates located at 21 rue de Chaillot.
In 20 years of existence, the INSTITUT DE LA MAIN has become one of the main hand and upper limb surgery centers in Europe. Its nine surgeons on staff can treat all hand and upper limb problems.
Institut de la Main
Clinique Bizet
21 rue Georges Bizet
75016 PARIS
Front Desk : +331 84 13 04 56
Hand Emergencies : +331 84 131 131