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Hand surgery, microsurgery, Dupuytren's disease, upper limb palsy, hands in sport.



Former Intern of Hôpitaux de Paris

Former Chef de Clinique at the Paris Medicine Faculty

Full member of the French Society for Surgery of the Hand

Former President of the French Society for Surgery of the Hand

Member of the National Academy Of Surgery

Member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand

Honorary member of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand

Honorary member of the Greek Society for Surgery of the Hand

Member of the Colombian Society for Surgery of the Hand



Since 1989, Doctor Caroline Leclercq has been developing an expertise in the surgical treatment of hand and upper limb palsy, principally in tetraplegic and spastic patients (cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic brain injury), and in cases of sequelae of nerve injury (brachial plexus, peripheral nerves). Doctor Leclercq performed upper limb surgery on over 300 tetraplegic and/or spastic patients. 


Doctor Leclercq has taken part in and published a number of national and international scientific papers on Dupuytren’s disease. Her surgical expertise in this field is based on over 600 procedures.  


Clinical Training & Degrees:

Qualification in hand surgery

Diploma of hand surgery (Hôpitaux de Paris)

Diploma in microsurgery techniques (Hôpitaux de Paris)

1-year residency Professor Raoul Tubiana

Orthopaedic and pediatric orthopedic residency (Paris)

High School Diploma, USA



Yearly humanitarian training missions on upper limb palsy surgery (Colombia, Brasil)

Cerebral Palsy Associated Disorders University degree

Hand Surgery University degree (Paris)

Micro-surgery University degree (Paris)

Sports Traumatology University degree (Paris)

Anatomy Instructor (Paris)


Selected publications:


Dupuytren’s Disease


-“”Controversy: How to Treat Severe PIP Contractures? Surgical Correction”.C.Leclercq In: 

P.M.N. Werker et al. (eds.), Dupuytren Disease and Related Diseases, 2016 

-“PIP and DIP stiffness in Dupuytren’s Disease”. C.Leclercq, M.Pickford. In  Warwick D, ed: Dupuytren’s disease - FESSH instructional course. Edizioni medico-scientifiche. 2015 p 207-218

- Dupuytren's disease presentation, referral pathways and resource utilisation in Europe: regional analysis of a surgeon survey and patient chart review. Dahlin LB, Bainbridge C, Leclercq C, Gerber RA, Guerin D, Cappelleri JC, Szczypa PP, Dias J. Int J Clin Pract. 2013 Mar;67(3):261-70.

- « La maladie de Dupuytren » C.Leclercq In Conférences d'enseignements de la SOFCOT (Société française de Chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique) Elsevier, Paris, 2011 : Vol 11 

- «Management of Dupuytren's Disease» C.Leclercq in Mathes: "Plastic Surgery" Second Edition, volume 7. Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia 2006 pp729-758

- « Dupuytren's Disease » R. Tubiana, C. Leclercq, L Hurst, M. Badalamente, E. Mackin. Martin Dunitz, London, 2000 : 321 p



Upper limb palsy, tetraplegia, spasticity 


- ”Selective neurectomy for the spastic upper extremity” C.Leclercq

In: J.Adkinson (ed),Management of spastic conditions of the upper extremity, Hand Clinics 2018 

- “Hyperselective Neurectomy in the Treatment of the Spastic Upper Limb”. Leclercq C and Gras M. Phys Med Rehabil Int. 2016; 3(1): 1075.

- "Neurological contractures : the spastic hand" C.Leclercq In Trail I « Disorders of the Hand – Diagnosis and treatment », Springer 2014 sous presse 

- "Principes des transferts tendineux au niveau du membre supérieur" C.Leclercq in Bonnel F "Les muscles-membre supérieur : nouvelle anatomie, biomécanique, chirurgie, rééducation" Sauramps Médical, Montpellier 2011 pp 276-280

- "The spastic upper limb and its surgical rehabilitation" C.Leclercq in Tubiana R, Malek R, LeClercq C, and Gilbert A "Restoration of Function in Upper Limb Paralyses and Muscular defects" Informa Healthcare, 2009 pp 407-418

- « Réanimation chirurgicale des membres supérieurs dans la tétraplégie traumatique » C.Leclercq, M.A.Lemouel,T.Albert Bulletin Académie Nationale Médecine 2003, 187(3) 600-612

- « Surgical rehabilitation of the tetraplegic upper limb » V.R.Hentz, C.Leclercq W.B.Saunders, London, 2002, 260 p.

- Hand Clinics: "The tetraplegic upper limb" C.Leclercq, Guest Editor 18(3) Nov. 2002


Hand In Sports:


- « Rupture atypique d'un tendon fléchisseur profond chez un grimpeur / Unusual rupture of a flexor profundus tendon in a rock climber » J. Pierrart *, C. Leclercq Chir Main 31 : 202–205, 2012

- « Séquelles des entorses et luxations des doigts longs » C.Leclercq in J. Rodineau & E.Rolland : « Séquelles des traumatismes articulaires chez les sportifs » Masson, ed. Paris, 2007 pp155-163

- « La main traumatique du sportif » C.Leclercq Abrégés Masson, Paris , 2001 : 154 p.

- « Boxe : le direct et les lésions des tendons extenseurs des doigts ». C.Leclercq In : Un sport, un geste une pathologie. J. Rodineau, G. Saillant, eds Masson, Paris, 2000 : 110-114.

- « Lésions de la main chez le sportif ». C. Leclercq, A. Gilbert Frison-Roche, Paris, 1996 : 244 p

- « Pathologie traumatique de la main du grimpeur ». I. Laffont, S. Cantalloube, M. Peyre, C. Leclercq, J De Lecluse In : Main et Médecine Orthopédique. L. Simon, M. Revel, J. Rodineau, eds. Masson, Paris, 1997 : 247-256




-“Treatment of a Fractured Juxta-Articular Enchondroma of the Middle Phalanx With a Suzuki External Fixator: A Case Report”. Decramer A, Leclercq C. Tech Hand Surg 2015;19: 46–49

- « Hand tumors at l'Institut de la Main » C.Leclercq, E.Mateva, C.Rueda et al In D.Egloff,ed :"Tumors of the Hand" Taylor & Francis, London 2004: p11-14

- "Tumeurs de la Main" J. Glicenstein, J. Ohana, C. Leclercq Springer, Paris 1988 : 243 p, 130 illustrations.


Hand Burns:


-"Bilan de la main brûlée séquellaire" J.M.Rochet, C.Nicolas, C.Leclercq, S.Gaucher. Med Phys Reed 27: PP, 2011

- "Heterotopic ossifications of the elbow in patients with burns: results after early excision" I.Tsionos, C.Leclercq, J.M. Rochet J Bone Jt Surg 2004, 86 B :396-403

Institut de la main

In 20 years of existence, the INSTITUT DE LA MAIN has become one of the main hand and upper limb surgery centers in Europe. Its nine surgeons on staff can treat all hand and upper limb problems. 


Contact Us

Institut de la Main
Clinique Bizet
21 rue Georges Bizet
75016 PARIS

Front Desk : +331 84 13 04 56

Hand Emergencies : +331 84 131 131