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Philippe Valenti

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Tuesday and Thursday morning

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Shoulder surgery (arthroscopy, sports surgery, arthroplasties), hand surgery, children’s hand surgery (congenital anomalies and malformations), brachial plexus surgery in adult and children, reconstructive surgery, microsurgery.



Former Intern and Chef de Clinique of the Paris Faculty of Medicine

President of the European Society of Microsurgery

Former President of the French Society of Microsurgery

General Secretary of the French Society of Microsurgery

Vice-President of the Chaîne De l’Espoir (NGO)

General Secretary of the SOFEC


Medical Training & Degrees:

Doctorate in Medicine 1989

Specialization in general surgery 1988

Board certified in Orthopedic surgery and traumatology 1991

Masters in microsurgery (University Paris VI) 1989

Anatomy instructor,  Faculty Saint-Antoine (Paris VI)

University Diploma of Hand and Upper Limb Surgery  - instructor (Paris VI)

University Diploma of Microsurgery - instructor (Ecole de Chirurgie des Hôpitaux de Paris)

Flap course - instructor (Pr Gilbert and Pr Masquelet, Ecole de Chirurgie des Hôpitaux de Paris)

University Diploma of Shoulder surgery - instructor (Paris VI)

Microsurgery instructor (Saint Joseph University - Beyrouth, Lebanon)

Member of the French Microsurgery and Upper Limb Surgery Instructors group. 



  • Shoulder Surgery In Adults

Doctor Valenti has developed an expertise of shoulder surgery since 1985, first with Didier Patte, founder of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow, then with SOS Main Est Parisien (which he founded in 1990), and finally at the Institut de la Main (since 1995). Doctor Valenti focuses on prosthetic surgery (he designed a universal shoulder prosthesis in 2003), arthroscopic surgery, and sports and degenerative pathology. 


  • Children’s surgery and Microsurgery

Doctor Valenti practices children’s surgery and microsurgery at the Institut de la Main, at Robert Debré children’s hospital, and also during humanitarian missions (Chaîne de l’Espoir).150 children are operated abroad every year). Doctor Valenti also focuses on the surgery of congenital malformations of the upper limb and of the brachial plexus. 


See http://www.chainedelespoir.org/



Hand and upper limb surgery university diploma - instructor (Paris VI)

Microsurgery university diploma - instructor (Ecole de Chirurgie des Hôpitaux de Paris)

Flap course - instructor (Pr Gilbert and Pr Masquelet, Ecole de Chirurgie des Hôpitaux de Paris)

Shoulder surgery university diploma - instructor (Paris VI)

Microsurgery instructor (Saint Joseph University - Beyrouth, Lebanon)

Member of the French Microsurgery and Upper Limb Surgery Instructors group. 


Scientific Societies:

President of the European Society of Microsurgery EFMS 2012

Secretary General of the Groupe pour l’Avancement de la Microchirurgie (GAM) 

Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique (SOFCOT)

Société Orthopédie Française de l'Épaule et du Coude (SOFEC)

Société Française de chirurgie de la main (SFCM) 

Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique et Reconstructrice

Société Française de Microchirurgie (Président 2004)

American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons  (AAOS)

European Shoulder and Elbow Society (SECEC)

Orthopaedic Society of Columbia 

Columbia Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Brasilia Society of Microsurgery 

Brasilia Society of Hand Surgery

Vice-President of the Chaine de l’espoir

Membre of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Society  (ASES)


Selected publications:


To access Doctor Valenti’s medical and scientific publications on ResearchGate




Book : Current concept in shoulder arthroplasty in 2013 Co authors : Ph Hardy, M Sheibel




New design of a cementless glenoid component in unconstrained shoulder arthroplasty: a prospective medium-term analysis of 143 cases

D. Katz, J. Kany, P. Valenti, P. Sauzières, P. Gleyze & K. El Kholti

Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol DOI 10.1007/s00590-012-1109-6


Analysis of infection in shoulder arthroplasty : a multicentre study.

Rajkumar S.A J Kany, M Melet, D Katz, Ph Sauzieres, Ph Valenti , J Gandois

EJOST ISSN 1633-8065 Volume 22 Number 22012 /145-150


The case for the metal backed glenoid design in total anatomical shoulder arthroplasty

D Katz, Ph Sauzieres, Ph Valenti, J Kany

EJOST ISSN 1633-8065 volume 22 Number 1 2012 P 9-16


Arthrose et rupture massive de la coiffe des rotateurs

A Kilinc Ph Valenti

Maitrise Orthopedique N°212


Massive rotator cuff arthropathy : limits of RSA

Ph Valenti

ESSKA Springer in press


Free vascularised fibular graft in multi-operated patients for an aseptic non-union of the humerus with segmental defect: Surgical technique and results

N. Kerfant, P. Valenti, A.S. Kilinc, M.O. Falcon

Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research (2012) 98, 603—607


Lateralization in RSA : metallic or bony lateralization ?

Sauramps Medical Nice shoulder course 2012

Ph Valenti, D Katz, Ph Sauzieres, A Kilinc


Stratégie et techniques dans les révisions de prothèses Humérales

Exposition / Ablation / Reconstruction

Dr Philippe VALENTI, Dr Alexandre KILINC

Livre de la SOFEC 2012


Mid-term outcome of reverse shoulder prostheses in complex proximal humeral fractures.

Valenti P, Katz D, Kilinc A, Elkholti K, Gasiunas V.

Acta Orthop Belg. 2012 Aug;78(4):442-9


The case for the metal-backed glenoid design in total anatomical shoulder arthroplasty

D. Katz, P. Sauzières, P. Valenti et J. Kany

European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology

ISSN 1633-8065 Volume 22 Number 1




Surgical Technique The Anterosuperior Approach for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty


Daniel Mole MD, Frank Wein MD,Charles Dezaly MD, Philippe Valenti MD, Francois Sirveaux MD Clin Orthop Relat Res DOI 10.1007/s11999-011-1861-7


Do Less Medialized Reverse Shoulder Prostheses Increase Motion and Notching ?


Philippe Valenti MD, Philippe Sauzieres MD, Denis Katz MD, Ibrahim Kalouche MD, Alexandre Sahin Kilinc MD

Clin Orthop Relat Res DOI 10.1007/s11999-011-1844-8


Small supraspinatus tears repaired by arthroscopy: are clinical results influenced by the integrity of the cuff after two years? Functional and anatomic results of forty-six consecutive cases.

Omar Boughebri, MDa,*, Xavier Roussignol, MDb, Olivier Delattre, MDc, Jean Kany, MDd, Philippe Valenti, MD

J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2011) -, 1-8


Athroscopic dynamic analysis of scapular notching in RSA .

O Boughebri, F Duparc, JM Adam, P Valenti



Stratégie et techniques dans les révisons de prothèses humérales :

exposition / ablation / reconstruction.

Ph Valenti A Kilinc

Monographie de la SOFEC L Favard . C Nerot édition 2011


Arthroscopic acromio clavicular joint reconstruction using a synthetic ligament device

J Kany, Rajkumar S.A, R Guinand Ph Valenti

EJOST ISSN 1633-8065 august 2011


Plaie Nerveuse : Perte de substance nerveuse :

L Thomsen, Ph.Valenti

Bouquin : La traumatologie des parties molles de la main Ph Livernaux Ch Chantelot .Springer 2011 pp 221-227.



Tendon transfer for irreparable cuff tear

Ph Valenti


Springer-Verlag France Paris 2011




Results of latissimus dorsi tendon transfer in primary or salvage reconstruction of irreparable rotator cuff tears

P. Valenti, I. Kalouche∗, L.C. Diaz, A. Kaouar, A. Kilinc

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research (2010),


Lateralization in the design of the RSA: is it dangerous, is it useful?

Ph valenti, D Katz, Ph sauzieres,A Kilinc

Nice Shoulder concepts 2010 THE GLENOID Sauramps medical


Recurrent rotator cuff tears, an évaluation of open resurgery results

Alexandre Sahin Kilinc, M.D.; Roberto Giaretti, M.D.; Luis Diaz, M.D.; Philippe

Sauzières, M.D.; Philippe Valenti, M.D.

Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol (2010) 20 (5):373-380


Mini Invasive Axillary Approach and Arthroscopic Humeral Head Interference Screw Fixation for Latissimus Dorsi Transfer in Massive and Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears

Jean Kany, MD,* Hemanth Alladu Kumar, MS,w Vivian K. Chang, MD,z Jean Grimberg, MD,y Jerome Garret, MD,J and Philippe Valenti, MDz

www.shoulderelbowsurgery.com r 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Reconstruction de la clavicule par péroné vascularisé : à propos de 2 cas :

Ph Valenti, N Kherfant

3ème rencontre IMM La ceinture claviculo-scapulaire. Sous la direction d'Y Allieu Saurmps Medical édition 2010 pp 103-107


Transferts osseux vasculaires libres (TOVL) « en bout de chaîne »

Free vascularized bone transfer en bout de chaîne

P. Valenti Chirurgie de la main 29S (2010) S184–S192


Clinical case Rupture of flexor tendon following volar plate of distal radius fracture. Report of five cases Rupture de tendons fléchisseurs dans les suites d'une ostéosynthèse du radius distal par plaque palmaire. À propos de cinq cas

S.E. Valbuena a,*, L.K. Cogswell b, R. Baraziol b, P. Valenti

Chirurgie de la main 29 (2010) 109–113


Germinal matrix and large nail bed reconstruction by vascularised transfers.

Ph. Valenti, MD Primary care of complex injuries of the hand and wrist. Konstantaras médical publication. Editor Th Dubert 329-333.


Plaies nerveuses : perte de substance nerveuse

L. Thomsen et P. Valenti 10-02038 CHAP3 13/10/10 15:45 Page 227 Sauramps medical




Résultats d'une prothèse d'épaule inversée latéralisée

Ph Valenti, D Katz, P Sauzieres Cahier d'enseignement de la SOFCOT

Prothèse d'épaule Etat actuel 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS


Plaidoyer en faveur du concept d'embase glénoïdienne métallique dans les prothèses totales anatomiques d'épaules

Revue bibliographique

D. KATZ*, P. SAUZIÈRES**, P. VALENTI** Maitrise d'orthopédie


Reverse shoulder arthroplasty : Does reduced medialisation improve

radiological and clinical results ?

Ibrahim KALOUCHE, Nuno SEVIVAS, Abhijeet WAHEGAONKER, Philippe SAUZIERES, Denis KATZ, Philippe VALENTI Acta Orthop. Belg., 2009, 75, 158-166


Traitement chirurgical de l'instabilité antérieure de l'épaule

Ph Valenti H Guerini Journées française de Radiologie 2 0 0 9


Les fentes médianes de la main : revue de 33 cas

Cleft hand: A review of 33 cases and new ideas about classification

P. Valenti a,*, E. Lozano Gonzales b, E. Vergara Amador b, L.K. Cogswell a

Chirurgie de la main 27S (2008) S121–S128


Conduite à tenir devant une prothèse d'épaule douloureuse

Ph Valenti Réflexions Rhumatologiques JHS santé 2009

Institut de la main

In 20 years of existence, the INSTITUT DE LA MAIN has become one of the main hand and upper limb surgery centers in Europe. Its nine surgeons on staff can treat all hand and upper limb problems. 


Contact Us

Institut de la Main
Clinique Bizet
21 rue Georges Bizet
75016 PARIS

Front Desk : +331 84 13 04 56

Hand Emergencies : +331 84 131 131